Ibhokisi lesipho sikaKhisimusi beka iwindi lesitolo sewayini esitolo esivula umhlobiso wesihlahla sikaKhisimusi

Ibhokisi lesipho sikaKhisimusi beka iwindi lesitolo sewayini esitolo esivula umhlobiso wesihlahla sikaKhisimusi

I-iPad Stand elungisekayo, Izibambi Ze-Tablet.

Usayizi: 13*9*8cm/10*10*10cm

Uhlobo Lwephepha:Ibhodi lephepha

Ubukhulu: 1.2 mm

Imininingwane Yokupakisha:i-pcs eyodwa ku-polybag noma imfuneko yakho

Itheku: Xiamen/Fuzhou

Isikhathi esiholayo :


1 - 500

501 - 1000

> 1000





Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Omaka bomkhiqizo


“UKhisimusi” uyeza, iNkosi uJesu Kristu iyeza, ingabe usulungile?Hlobo luni lwenhliziyo okufanele silusebenzise ukuze samukele ukuza kweNkosi uJesu Kristu?

Minyaka yonke, abantu abaningi bakhathazeka ngokuthi bazokutholani ngoKhisimusi kunokuba iZulu limboze izinwele zabo.Futhi siklame amabhokisi ezipho ahlukahlukene ngoKhisimusi.Ake sibheke!


Lokhu yiIbhokisi lesipho sikaKhisimusi packaging, the packaging into a lot of festive elements, simple gift boxes with different colors, the combination of red and green is the main color of Christmas, this is a combination of retro and modern gift packaging. What could be more ritualistic than having a party in the house with the snow outside your window and taking out your wrapped Ibhokisi lesipho sikaKhisimusi and holding it in your hands to show your appreciation for your partner’s company and support throughout the year?


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  • Bhala umyalezo wakho lapha futhi usithumelele wona

    Izigaba zomkhiqizo

    Gxila ekunikezeni izixazululo ze-mong pu iminyaka emi-5.